Saturday, August 11, 2012

It is more than details about the new Samsung Exynos 5 Dual processor

The South Korean company Samsung Electronics published new detailed data about the new binuclear Cortex-A15 the Exynos processor of 5 Dual with low power consuming and productivity high level.

As the vendor marks, its novelty made using 32 nanometers of technological process, is developed in response to the current trends – viewing of the HD video and possibility to use 3D

Main features of Exynos of 5 Dual:
  • The single-crystal decision on the basis of the 32-bit RISC processor for tablet PCs.
  • It is made on 32-nanometer to technological process.
  • Binuclear Cortex-A15 the processor working at frequency to 1,7 GHz (for each kernel) with productivity (DMIPS) for 40 % is higher in comparison with processors on the basis of a kernel Cortex-A9.
  • High speed (12,8 GB/seconds) dual-channel LPDDR3 interface of memory.
  • Support of USB interfaces 3.0 and SATA3.
  • Support of coding/decoding of the Full HD (1080p/60) video; output of the image to WQXGA displays.
  • Support of a stereoscopic output of the image.
  • High-productive subsystem of processing 3D images with support of such API, as openGL ES 2.0, Halti and openCL full profile.
  • The signal processor of image processing (to 8 Mpx / 60 shots per second) with the module of post-processing which is switching on system of three dimensional noise suppression (3DNR), digital system of stabilizing of a video image and optical compensating of the image.

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